Stories from people affected by cancer

These stories are about what really matters to people affected by cancer.

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These stories have all been created during our What Matters to You storytelling project, delivered in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support.

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  • Nina's Story: Threads of Silver and Gold

    Nina's Story: Threads of Silver and Gold

    My personal journey through 4th stage cancer diagnosis and treatment and its impact on my identity and family relationships.

  • Mary's Story: Smiling on the Inside

    Mary's Story: Smiling on the Inside

    My sister faced a brain tumour with courage, faith and humour. Now that I face cancer and Parkinson’s I am choosing both how I wish to live, encouraging others every day, and the legacy of hope I will pass on through my painting and my smile.

  • Peju's Story: My year of the Big Cs

    Peju's Story: My year of the Big Cs

    Cancer experience led me to find my purpose, combining my faith in Christ and support for others, through The Secret Place, a faith-based non-profit organisation.

  • Jacquelyn's story: Bookmarks of Belief

    Jacquelyn's story: Bookmarks of Belief

    Cancer was only a part of my story. It was not the beginning and could not be the end, even if it had led to physical death.