Stories from people affected by cancer

These stories are about what really matters to people affected by cancer.

Scroll down to see the stories! You can also use the list on the left below to look for stories about particular topics.

These stories have all been created during our What Matters to You storytelling project, delivered in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support.

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  • Nina's Story: Threads of Silver and Gold

    Nina's Story: Threads of Silver and Gold

    My personal journey through 4th stage cancer diagnosis and treatment and its impact on my identity and family relationships.

  • Kathy's Story: Me and my 2.5
  • Mary's Story: Smiling on the Inside

    Mary's Story: Smiling on the Inside

    My sister faced a brain tumour with courage, faith and humour. Now that I face cancer and Parkinson’s I am choosing both how I wish to live, encouraging others every day, and the legacy of hope I will pass on through my painting and my smile.

  • Gill's Story: Double Trouble

    Gill's Story: Double Trouble

    Gill talks about her experience of twice being diagnosed of breast cancer and living with the on-going impact on her mental health.

  • Jenni's Story: Swimming with Sharks

    Jenni's Story: Swimming with Sharks

    My piece creatively explores the physical sensations and emotional impact of my treatment for acute myeloid leukaemia, which coincided with the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. I created it to 'bear witness' to my own experience; by describing one of the darkest, most difficult moments, and the fragile threads of hope that seemed to emerge from this lowest ebb.

  • Helen's Story: Coping with Cancer

    Helen's Story: Coping with Cancer

    Helen describes one way she uses to cope when living with cancer.

  • Alison's Story: 15 Men, 105 Women and ME

    Alison's Story: 15 Men, 105 Women and ME

    For my friends, family and NHS Heroes who supported me, cried with me, loved me and laughed with me and made sure I never walked alone on this journey.

  • Kirsten's Story: The Jacket

    Kirsten's Story: The Jacket

    This is about how an ordinary jacket triggered the diagnoses of lung cancer to hit home and changing identities.

    You can find out about Chatterbox, the online support group I’m part of, here:

  • Adrina's Story: Reflections

    Adrina's Story: Reflections

    My story will focus on my innermost thoughts, feelings and reflections as I progressed through the final few months of my father-in-law’s life. I place particular emphasis on the strategies I employed, as I travelled this personal and emotional journey.

  • Lisa's Story: Sliding Doors

    Lisa's Story: Sliding Doors

    The impact of having a misdiagnosis and how I deal with that mentally.

  • Karen's Story: How it feels to be on the other side
  • Michael's Story: My Journey with Cancer

    Michael's Story: My Journey with Cancer

    This is the story, so far, of my being diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, my treatment and surgery.

  • Tara's Story: Creating the right environment

    Tara's Story: Creating the right environment

    My story of being a Macmillan Professional as Project manager for the Macmillan Support Centre at Altnagelvin... and developing cancer during the project.

  • Yvonne Story: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

    Yvonne Story: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

    My story is about the link between the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986 and certain cancers in the West of Scotland. I came to realise that although my cancer might well have been caused by radioactivity from Chernobyl, I wouldn’t have chosen to live anywhere else.

  • Brenda's Story: From Rage to Sage

    Brenda's Story: From Rage to Sage

    My story From Rage to Sage tells of the different feelings and emotions I had going through my cancer treatment. I hope it reassures someone just starting treatment that no matter what feelings they have that it’s OK, natural and by naming mine I have come to terms with over time.

  • Blue's Story: Living My Best Life

    Blue's Story: Living My Best Life

    Acknowledging the fear that exists for us all, but seeing the positive in each new day and finding ways to keep living our best life.

  • Diane's Story: Livin on a prayer

    Diane's Story: Livin on a prayer

    My story is about how secondary cancer means your life can't stop during treatment, this is your life now. I learned that you have to find a way to come to terms with the physical and emotional impact of dying while still trying to live life to the full.

  • Phyllis' Story Grow: Through What You Go Through

    Phyllis' Story Grow: Through What You Go Through

    Despite many hardships we face, just appreciate every day and everyone around you, especially your family.

  • Genevieve's Story: Home

    Genevieve's Story: Home

    Ordinary is more precious, more extraordinary than anything else in your life but only realised when you envisage it gone.

  • Georgina’s Story: Perspective

    Georgina’s Story: Perspective

    When cancer has it’s hold, our strength will be drawn from the smallest of gestures, by the people who love us the most.

  • Lesley's Story: In The Deafening Silence

    Lesley's Story: In The Deafening Silence

    In the Deafening Silence is my story of growth and reflection on a time when life turned upside down and nothing fit into place like I thought it should.

  • Blue's Story: Letting Go

    Blue's Story: Letting Go

    It's during the worst times of your life that you will see the true colours of the people who say they care about you...

  • Katy's Story: Cheat Code

    Katy's Story: Cheat Code

    Katy looks at how to speak to people with cancer using her experience with video games.

  • Gill's Story: Kintsugi

    Gill's Story: Kintsugi

    A shock diagnosis and treatment against the backdrop of a global pandemic have changed me but I’ve learned that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

  • Kevin's Story: Finding Hope by sharing my Cancer

    Kevin's Story: Finding Hope by sharing my Cancer

    From the shock of my initial diagnosis, I was searching for hope, and I found it in an unexpected place.

  • Phyllis's story: Where Do I Go From Here

    Phyllis's story: Where Do I Go From Here

    My story relates to communication and availability of support - it is there, but you sometimes, you just have to ask! We are faced with many challenges, through the Covid and Lockdown periods, but together, and with support. we will get there

  • Georgina’s story: Perspective (BSL)
  • Mhairi's story: Onwards and Upwards (BSL)

    Mhairi's story: Onwards and Upwards (BSL)

    A story of challenge, belief and hope in a bid to be normal and the realisation, through cancer, that we are all normal, normal for us.

  • Alison's story: 15 men 105 women and ME (BSL)

    Alison's story: 15 men 105 women and ME (BSL)

    For my friends, family and NHS Heroes who supported me, cried with me, loved me and laughed with me and made sure I never walked alone on this journey.

  • Mark's story: The Road Home

    Mark's story: The Road Home

    My cancer journey story tells of how important it is if you feel anything is not right to keep asking questions.

  • Ellie's story: Hair

    Ellie's story: Hair

    My kidney cancer journey –about trusting my instincts; the good times, bad times, happy times and sad times and life going on in between, because life does go on, I am still myself.

  • Mhairi's story: Onwards and Upwards

    Mhairi's story: Onwards and Upwards

    A story of challenge, belief and hope in a bid to be normal and the realisation, through cancer, that we are all normal, normal for us.