Story of the Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an international campaign to promote screening and prevention of the disease.

Find out more about the campaign here

Our Story of the Month is Sports Bra Stroll by Sarah.

Sarah describes her story as:

With my mastectomy I lost my breast tissue, but gained some fear and courage. I learn’t to embrace the most simplistic pleasures in life which gave me back my body confidence.

Set your story free

We believe that, as Christina Baldwin wrote, “The ordinary stories of our ordinary lives have extraordinary gifts coded within them.”

Sharing stories is good for us. We connect with a develop empathy for others through sharing experiences. We learn about and understand people better when we hear their stories and we feel good when someone takes the time to listen deeply to our own experiences.

Digital storytelling is a fantastic way of helping people to share and reflect on the experiences that are most important in their lives, and giving them ownership over how their story is shared and represented. A person taking part in our digital storytelling workshops can choose whether to keep their story for their own private reflection, or share it more widely in the hope of helping others or pushing for social change.

We hope you find the stories on this website rewarding and inspiring!

It’s made us feel that our stories are worthwhile. It’s broadened my horizons.
— Ruth, a participant in our Digital Storytelling programme

News and opportunities

Scotland’s Stories: Hope

The theme of this year’s Scotland’s Stories is Hope. Find out more about the programme

The Book Week Scotland logo in yellow.

To celebrate the theme, we’ve gathered a selection of our digital stories of Hope!

Please note that some of these stories feature topics that some viewers may find upsetting.

Mhairi’s Story: Onwards and Upwards

A story of challenge, belief and hope in a bid to be normal and the realisation, through cancer, that we are all normal, normal for us.

Josie’s Story: Serendipity Dances with Sunflowers

This is a story about what a cancer patient has found herself learning from dancing with sunflowers.

Helen’s Story: Coping with Cancer

Helen describes one way she uses to cope when living with cancer.